Message Intent Understanding to Serve Your Users & Monetize Your App
Meet the First A.I. that predicts your needs in real time so you don’t have to search
Because we live in a mobile world, surrounded by touch screens and voice assistants, we are progressively losing the convenience of a physical keyboard and a mouse. It’s time to invent new ways to interact with machines, taking tools from passive to predictive.
The greatest luxury is when you don’t have to ask for the things you want.
They just come to you when you need them.

On‑demand message intent prediction as‑a‑service
Turn‑key app monetization with A.I. recommendation engine
Magical Experience
The Magic Cards unique interface makes it easy for you to jump from one context to another without feeling the usual pain of switching apps, typing or copy-pasting information on a small screen.
Context Awareness
Biggerpan’s predictive A.I. technology leverages powerful Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to instantly offer you the most relevant actions and content.
Privacy First
No personal information will ever be collected from your device or stored on our servers against your will. We are fully transparent about the use we make of your anonymized and encrypted data.